AN ISO 9001:2015 Company B-0802/MUM/PER/1000+/5/7385/2006

Event Planner Recruitment

Hire Event Planners for Commercial, Official and Personal Events

Industry Event management involves the application of systematic science to the development and creation of events and from product launches to press conferences, companies develop promotional events in order to communicate with potential customers. They can also call their viewers to their events and reach them in the actual event. It is one of the strategic tools of advertising and communication used by companies of all sizes. They can go to your audience using the media, hoping to generate media coverage that will reach millions of viewers.

It is the responsibility of the Event Planners for proper planning, organising and execution of an event. The event can be of different categories, including launch of a new product, opening of a store, wedding ceremony, exhibition, school/college trip, prom night, or any other social or national event. An event planner works for Public as well as Private sector.

Event managers are primarily required to measure the manpower and have control of them for the successful execution of a proposed plan. An event planner has expertise of coordinating well with his co-workers and sees to it that the task is completed in the given time frame. Rahat enterprise leaves no stone unturned to see that the needs of the clients are satisfied in a systematic manner.

Responsibilities of an Event planner are:

  • Study the market and come up with the precise event plan
  • Seek sponsorship and associate partners
  • Budget well for best results
  • Book and develop the apt venue
  • Manage traffic control during event
  • Foresee and resolve all possible legal or other issues
  • Meet safety standards.

Rahat Enterprises is one the leading manpower agency and is serving many countries with its recruitment services.

For seeking more information related to the Recruitment of Event Planners contact Rahat Enterprises TODAY.

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5/9 (I) 2nd Floor, Grants Building, H.N.A Azmi Marg, Arthur Bunder Road, Colaba, Mumbai 400 005, India.

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Phone: +91 22 22025326 / 22850688