AN ISO 9001:2015 Company B-0802/MUM/PER/1000+/5/7385/2006

Recruitment Services in Sri Lanka

Best recruitment solutions for all your professional needs

Sri Lanka, or the ‘Island Nation’, is located south of India and north of the Maldives into the Indian Ocean. Sri Lanka has a diverse ethnicity with many cultures surviving amicably. With a per capita GDP of nearly 11,068.99 USD, the nation shows a strong growth rate of approximately 6.6% annually. Being an agriculture and plantation dominated country, the major contributors to its economy apart from agricultural produce are processing and exporting of tea, rubber and cinnamon. In 1977, Sri Lanka,incorporated privatization of businesses by promoting free market economy.

Today, Sri Lanka is focused on building new as well as revamping its infrastructure. This requires them to hire a large number of skilled professionals for various industries like civil and construction engineering, IT and telecommunication, retail and hospitality, finance and accounts, shipping and port building. Also, the rapid growth in service, healthcare and construction sectors, leaving even agriculture behind, are calling for a vast range of opportunities for both – foreign investors and other skilled professionals.

Rahat Enterprises is considered today as a leading professional recruitment services provider. This name and fame is earned after providing due diligence and helping clients with their professional recruitment needs in the best possible way.Our huge pool of relevant candidates are selected on various parameters to fit in well with every job requirement available.We will ensure that you experience the best professional recruitment process and return with the right candidate for the job.

Connect with us to find the right fit for your manpower needs.


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5/9 (I) 2nd Floor, Grants Building, H.N.A Azmi Marg, Arthur Bunder Road, Colaba, Mumbai 400 005, India.

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Mobile: +91 8976074601

Phone: +91 22 22025326 / 22850688